
Suite of Tools



TRNSYS includes TRNSYS3D - a plugin for SketchUp™ that allows the user to draw multizone buildings and import the geometry (including building self-shading and internal view factors for radiation exchange) directly from the powerful SketchUp interface into the TRNSYS Building environment (TRNBuild).



TRNBuild is an interface for creating and editing all of the non-geometry information required by the TRNSYS Building Model. TRNBuild allows the user extensive flexibility in editing wall and layer material properties, creating ventilation and infiltration profiles, adding gains, defining radiant ceilings and floors, and positioning occupants for comfort calculations.


With the release of v18, TRNSYS includes a Fortran environment and a graphical interface that allows users to quickly develop new Types, writing them, compiling them, and including them in simulations all without the need to purchase any kind of third party Fortran compiler or worry about compiler project setting compatibility.


Historically, the text-based TRNSYS input file was generated manually. The addition of the Simulation Studio in the mid-1990s greatly reduced the need for manual editing. However, the TRNSYS environment still includes TRNEdit, a full-featured text editor for writing and viewing TRNSYS input and output files and for running parametric TRNSYS simulations. TRNEdit also serves as the editor for manually generating stand-alone distributable TRNSYS simulations called TRNSED applications.


TRNSED allows users to develop customized graphical interfaces for specific applications and then distribute those applications to non-TRNSYS users. These "web-page like" TRNSED applications allow non-TRNSYS users to change system parameters, run simulations, and process output without having to learn the intricacies of the entire TRNSYS Environment. To obtain some of the TRNSYS-based TRNSED applications that TESS has developed, please visit the TESS Projects website.